Your Career Coach

We believe your professional journey will bring you success and a happy life. Sometimes, we have to overcome hurdles, burnout, imposter syndrome, job search, career change, developing leadership and executive presence. 

That’s when we’re here, WE ARE HERE FOR YOU. We help you recover, strategize, and excel to your desired goal. 

Build Confidence. Attain Happiness. Live Purposefully.

Trusted by Thousands of Employees From the World's Top Companies



Why Choose Balanced at Last

97% Success Rate

With 15+ years of experience, helping thousands of individuals, we’ve been able to deliver ~30% salary increases, resulting in roughly 25x ROI. Additionally, receiving promotions within 2 years, better team dynamics, more enjoyment, taking more vacations, leading teams, and increasing passive income, to name additional successes.

25 x Return on Investment

Coaching Process

Our process leverages counseling and coaching techniques

Career Counseling

We focus on your recovery

Career development is tough, sometimes we've faced layoffs, recession, hiring freeze, imposter syndrome, employment gap, toxic workplace, etc.

This can destroy our confidence, feel traumatized by our past, feeling hopeless, depressed, anxious, etc.

We help you recovery from negative experiences, and empower you to attain happiness and confidence.

Career Coaching

We focus on strategy and alignment

Career Coaching leads us to building a strategy that is uniquely yours, backed by MBTI personality strengths, aligned with your future goals, and crafted actionable steps.

The process is data-driven with you on the driver's seat of your new future.

We coach you for opportunities, build with your network, and leverage each step towards your goal.

Executive Coaching

We focus on your Executive needs

Executive coaching help you build your company / organization to what you envisioned. Focusing on team development, organizational strategies, and executive presence.

This process is unique for every executive and is tailored specifically for the person, team, and industry.

We coach you, facilitating and leverage team strengths and development to achieve your goals.

Our Career Services

Helping you become more successful

Executive coaching is different from career coaching. In Executive coaching we focus on you, your team, and your organization and help you elevate everyone to newer height through leadership development, strategic ideation, executive presence, communication, team development, and other qualities that makes you stand out and deliver high impact for your business.

Nearly 10 years in helping 250+ individuals reach the director or higher executive positions. 

Professional black male coach explains to female employees strategy, points at laptop computer, have

Our Career Coaching started in 2009, where we started helping individuals feeling anxious, afraid, overwhelmed, confused, burnout, imposter syndrome, etc. to regain control and confidence over their career. 

Over the past 15+ years, we’ve helped over 3,000 individuals take control of their career development and recover from burnout, layoffs, toxic managers, to accelerate their promotions, change careers, jump into a new industry, focus on work-life balance, etc. and of course, helping build resume, LinkedIn and their interviewing skills. 

The Career Readiness program was designed in 2023 to address and help High School Seniors gain clarity, confidence, and skills to navigate the ever-changing career landscape. 

We created this program in collaboration with Executives, mid-career professionals, career changers, and concerned parents. 

This is a group based program in collaboration with High School Seniors and their parents to help guide them through the turmoil of career choice paralysis and exhaustion. 

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SMART Goals for Professional Development

SMART Goals for Professional Development

SMART Goals and Professional Success ” Why bother setting goals when the world is unpredictable? ” – Client ” I’ve lost every New Year’s Resolution I’ve set for myself. ” – Client They aren’t wrong – I’ve been successful in keeping zero New Year’s Resolutions, and felt frustrated in the ever-changing…

Career Planning: Your Roadmap to Professional Success

Career Planning: Your Roadmap to Professional Success

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